Ambient Asbestos Dust Risk In The City Vs. Rural Communities

Ambient asbestos particles are typically 10 times more abundant in the urban environments than in the rural setting. A report published in journal Risk Analysis concluded that the risk of mesothelioma from ambient asbestos exposure is no worse for city dwellers than for those who live in rural areas despite the higher levels of ambient asbestos particles in the city.

The researchers used the US government’s SEER database to formulate incidence rates for malignant pleural mesothelioma in both men and women in rural and urban areas over a span of 40 years (1973-2012). Meghan, lead author on the paper, wrote “The results suggest that differences in ambient asbestos concentrations, which have been reported to be 10-fold or greater across regions in the United States, have not influenced the risk of pleural mesothelioma,” concludes

The Paul Law Firm advocates for victims of asbestos-related diseases. If you or a loved one is suffering from mesothelioma, call the Paul Law Firm. With over 2.5 billion dollars collected for victims of asbestos exposure, we have the knowledge and the experience to fight for you. We also understand that fighting doesn’t just happen in the courtroom. It also happens in a lab where we are fighting for a cure. Check out the Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America here.

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